Thursday, January 5, 2012

WOW-has it really been since Oct 28, 11 since my last blog??

Ok, so I guess it has.. Sorry, things have been to say the VERY least-BUSY!! But no excuses, I'm back (Thanks Amber). So much has happened since then.. Starting off with I threw out my back dead lifting-how you might ask?? Well it ALL started when I was lifting and "someone" told me told me to lower my butt.. Yeah, won't be listening to anymore unsolicited advice anymore-hahaha.. Its been 2+ months and I still have trouble with it..
But not all is bad news.. While I've been recovering from a bad back, I've been more focused on my eating.. Being a woman, its hard to get past the fact that if we eat HEALTHY food we can fuel our bodies. We've all grown up with the idea of eating less means we weigh less-OH CONTRAIRE.. We actually gain or at the very least maintain unwanted weight. I mean yes, at some point you will lose weight but at what cost? Our bodies NEED and WANT to be fed.. When I hurt my back I started reading everything having to do with food, exercise and lifting weight.. It was AMAZING to read the LOAD of CRAP that is out there.. Guess this is WHY its a BILLION dollar industry...
So, while I was to say the least somewhat a "vegan", I still fell back on foods that weren't all that good for me. If my day was not going the way I wanted, too tired to eat the right foods to fuel my ONE AND ONLY BODY or even that time of the month-I would give in and have a piece of chocolate or some other "goodie".. I then in turn would feel crappy for the choices I had just made.. So much so that I would workout even harder, which in turn would burn even more from my body's energy supply. Thus the endless cycle...
I decided that enough was enough and started taking control over not only what I was eating, but when, how much and why.. This was to include an exercise journal of all the same questions.. Before I didn't realize that eating bad food, at a bad time, how much and WHY I was eating could halt me in my tracks of getting a lean, beautiful and muscular body that I wanted.
So since then I workout daily, lift weights daily, run daily-BUT I ALSO EAT ALL DAY LONG!!! Yep ladies (and gents), this woman eats HEALTHY, vegan and high carb foods. and as a result I'm less than 10 pounds away from my overall body weight goal of 135.
What's weird about this is that now that I'm within a few pounds of my so called ideal body weight, I don't know that I want to reach it.. I LOVE the fact that I can eat, run, lift weights and doing a SHIT TON of ab work that people 20 years younger than me couldn't do 1/2 of what I can do. I just smile when I see people who think they know it all about weight loss, diet and weight lifting. You know the ones-they sit on the gym equipment reading their magazines, the ones who you hear talk about the "newest diet fad".. It's CRAZY the amount of money someone will to spend in order NOT to workout.. I never understood that.. I mean, YOU were the person who put the weight on-shouldn't YOU be the person who takes it off??? Just a thought....
So below are my numbers:

weight--- 143.7
jean size--- 2/4
my waist--- 26.6


1-3 mile runs(daily)-Sunday's my long run
full extension-stretch to floor then to toes
short extensions-25(fast)
medium extension-25(slow and hold at top)
full extension with 8 pound ball
Hanging/sling knees to elbows (10-15 each side)
full extension-knees raises to head

floor AB workout:::
Russian twist with weighted ball
floor crunchy frogs
weighted ball to toes (legs are together and above your belly button)
weighted ball to top of knees (knees are bent and feet are on the floor)
balance/yoga ball between your ankles (squeeze and hold ball off the floor)

free weights:::
curls-20lbs each hand
butterflies-20lbs each hand
skull crushers-25lbs (off the bench)

Tuesdays and Thursdays---- Karate class