Friday, July 27, 2012

shirts are no longer fitting.. YAY!!!

Yep, you read right.. My once small shirts are no longer fitting (in the arms) and I'm HAPPY!! How many times have you heard that from a woman? hahaha Not too many, I'm sure. I've taken on yet another activity. Or should I say I've increased the activities I'm already doing. I've picked up more karate, more boxing, HEAVIER weights and this Sunday my training for the San Antonio, Tx Rock N Roll marathon (Nov 11, 2012) starts.. I couldn't imagine my life any other way-BUSY.
I love the way my body is changing and improving. So it's a welcome change to what my body was even months ago. I also have noticed that with lifting heavier weights that my abs have REALLY started "popping" through.
I have been asked when will I be "happy" with my body.. I smile and say, "I'm happy now. But that doesn't mean I should stop taking care of myself. Plus, I LOVE (almost LIVE for) a challenge:". Once you stop trying to improve yourself is when you start to become "comfortable" with things and settle into a life of being stagnant. Which in my opinion is NEVER good. I don't want to be that old person who sit on the sidelines watching my grandkids. Which raises the question, "why is it ok to live that kind of life"?? I see so many elderly people who just "stop" being apart of life.. It's NEVER a good thing.. So why do so many people look the other way when we see our parents and grandparents "living" this way? I don't know about you, but I want to be the HOT-ASS grandma that people notice in a good way.. Haha
So, never stop moving, never stop improving or growing.

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