Saturday, September 17, 2011

Total Energy Expenditure?

Ok, so I put in all my info (to the best of my knowledge) and it came up with some weird ass number.. WTH? But then I have to figure out what and HOW much daily intake I should be having to lose weight, gain lean muscle mass.. Ok, I think I'm going to go CRAZY..
Trying to figure everything out is like planning a trip to the moon... Or maybe it's because I'm tried...

So as today was my rest/recovery day I really didn't do anything that could be "counted" as exercise. So I took a normal day and used those numbers.

Here's my numbers for today: (not good but not bad)..
Cals-2216 (better)
Carbs-285(good) ^than300
Fat-85(could've been less) less than 75
Pro-96(could've been higher)-about 119

Seems while I keep trying to eat better and more often, my energy level goes up (and so does my exercise).
I don't eat any animal products and LOVE the way I feel. Just wish I would start to see some changes in the scale.. The changes in my body are AMAZING.. My pec's, biceps, triceps,glutes,legs and traps are really taking off. I hope to post pic's the very end of Dec. or the beginning of Jan. about the same time as we do our next wave fit test.



  1. I know you're not doing 2.5 hours of intense exercise a day, you would be dead. Intense exercise means 100% effort, NO one can sustain it for more than like 30-90 seconds at a time. HIIT intervals would be intense, and you shouldn't (and probably couldn't) keep HIIT up for more than 15-20 minutes. Moderate exercise is things like running, spinning, swimming. I usually categorize weight lifting as light exercise. Hope that helps a little!

  2. Here's what mine looks like, I tell it I'm a man because I have the body composition of a fit man, and body composition has a big influence on basal metabolic rate (muscle uses more energy than fat).
