Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well I've upped my calories, protein and carbs.. I NEVER believed that if you did that, that you could lose weight. I have more energy, sleep better, skin looks amazing and more workouts have IMPROVED by leaps and bounds.. I use to only eat about 800-maybe 1000 (rarely) and my workouts really showed-so did my body/muscles. While I was "toned" and trim. I still wasn't getting the lean muscle mass I wanted. So with the advice of an AMAZING weight lifter-she told me to start eating MORE.. But not just eat more, but eat more healthy foods. So I gave up red meat, then went to white meat for about 2 weeks and now I haven't had meat of any kind. And boy does my body feel the difference. I've also picked up a new sport-karate. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE karate. Even with all the bruises and aches and pains-we practice 4 nights a week (an hr each nite) I can't wait to go.
I also have put a running training schedule in place. I run 6 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are pre weight training runs (warm up runs). Then on Tuesday, Thursday I run at least 30 minutes (3+ miles), some times with Niko in his jogger and some times without. Then on Sunday I have a long run of 6 or more. I ALWAYS do ab/core work-20 minutes a day. My abs have started to split and I DIFFERENTLY have a 6 pak and its only been about 4-5 weeks.
I'm a FIRM believer that you get back what you put in. But in order for you to get the best out of your workouts, you HAVE to get beyond the whole, "if I eat less-I'll weigh less". Which in my book is the toughest thing to get past.
I've been called STRONG willed, bull headed and head strong.. Which in MOST cases it works in my favor.. But when it comes to "food" or my weight-thats another story.  when my body says I can't run another mile-my head kicks in and and pushes me to run another 2.. But when it comes to food, I've ALWAYS believed that the least amount you eat the better off your weight/body would be. Talk about a struggle..
Since starting this journey, I have changed MANY thoughts, plans and schedules-most (if not all) I hope were for the better to help me get to my goals.

here's my workout today
a.m run, 
10 min speed rope, 
renegade rows w/ 25lbs (ea side),
kettlebell ab swings, 
dead lifts, 
crunches w/8lb ball, 
knee crunches w/8lb ball, 
russian twists w/ 8lb ball 
30 chin to bosu

hr walking at the market (more fruit and veggies)

My p.m workout
hr karate
20 mins ab/core

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