Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Haven't blogged in a while.

Can't believe I haven't been on here in a while.. Life has been VERY BUSY to say the least. Well with all the hard weight training(3 days a wk), running (6 days a wk), karate (4 days)and normal life, home and kids it's a wonder I have time to pee.
Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I've worked out and felt it the following day. I upped the weight and reps. I've also changed my food, cals, protein but most of all carbs. I use to only eat about 25-30 carbs a day, and even that was HIGH for me but lately I've upped my carbs to 125-130 and have seen (& felt) results. I have great workouts and look at food more as fuel. I diffently can tell the difference in my energy level. So bring on the carbs (good carbs that is) and the workouts.. I'll have to post my yesterday's workout later.

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