Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I've learned..

What I've learned

It's been a couple of days since my last blog. Things have been SUPER busy. But I can tell you that I have learned so much in the last few weeks about myself and my body. I've learned that just because you eat less doesn't mean you're going to lose weight. That for every 10 lbs of body fat you will lose 1-2 pounds of lean muscle mass. Which is just counter productive and that if you want to build LEAN MUSCLE MASS you have to make sure you eat to fuel that workout. 
What I haven't learned is how to eat clean, organic and healthy foods with no animal protein/products and still meet the HIGH calorie output I'm putting on myself and my body. I know it can be done, I have friends who (pretty much) follow the diet I follow and they seem to be able to reach their daily caloric intake while still having a low body fat, gaining lean muscle and still can function on a daily bases.
Yesterday was the 1st time in a long time that I ate over 2100 calories. The 2200 calories that I was told to eat is only a starting point for me. At some point I have to be able to eat more calories. While it felt strange eating all that food, this mornings weight training, running and ab work was AMAZING. I didn't hit any walls or bonk. If I keep telling myself that food IS fuel I'll have great workouts and get to my goals of low body fat and lean muscle mass..

I only have 11% to lose in my body fat and about 20-25lbs to reach my goals of low body fat and my goal weight. But even rit now I'm very proud of my overall weight loss. Which many of you may not know was over 80 pounds ago.. So if I can do 80+, then I know I can knock out 20-25 pounds!!

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