Friday, October 28, 2011

How can 2 different "scales" give 2 different outcomes??

Ok so I'm at my WITS END.. Or maybe its just one of "THOSE" days where you feel like throwing in the towel.. Not that I'm going to, but man it does get trying at times. For 6 weeks I've been lifting weights, running, ab/core and karate but for some reason I feel like I should have been further along than I am. I know, I know-common sense should be kicking in right about now, but the TYPE A side of me says I'm busting my ass with little changes.
I have lost about 10 pounds and 2+ inches off my waist. My muscle tone has improved ( I still want more muscle mass)-but I'm happy with the results I've gotten so far.
While I know that everything takes time and you have to work for the results-it's still upsetting to see things move SLOWLY.
I got my hopes up when I read a BMI/body fat/weight scale today.. It said 12.7% body fat-OMG WOULDNT THAT BE FANTASTIC!!! Seeing as how my goal is 12-13%.. So then I started going over my wave fit results.. The outcome of those results doesn't even come close to the scales results..

The scale said(10/18/11)----
lean mass-87.3%(130.95 pounds)
fat mass-12.7%

The wave fit said (9/10/11)-
lean mass-76.84%(119.1 pounds)
fat mass-23.16%
*I went up in weight after the test was done-my body was in starvation mode. I went up to 160 lbs)

I think its ALMOST impossible to increase your lean mass by 10.46% in 1 month and 8 days.. Thats only 11.85 pounds.. Or have I lost my mind all together???
so for every 1% of lean mass I gain it equals 1.13288719 pounds of weight loss (if I'm doing the math correctly and of course it does change with my weight..)

CAN I JUST HURRY UP AND HEAL ALL DAMN READY.. I'm dying to get back to my heavy weight lifting, my full contact karate and my long distance running..
So thats my RANT, BITCH or COMPLAINT for today.. I feel better now-even if still confused haha

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2 months later-PRO's and CON's

Ok so many of you know that I have been trying to "improve" my health, my body (mainly my lean mass/muscles) and drop my body fat.. And yes, I hear you when you say, "why you look great now". But to tell you the truth-its not about just looking good. Its about reaching a goal that I've set in front of me. A goal of a much leaner, healthier and muscular me.
When I started this journey, I didn't expect that I would have a "wall" to overcome 6 weeks into it. My surgery, by far has started to "eat", if you will at my mind.. I by nature am a TYPE A person, and if you're talking about competitive? Well then I'm your woman.. Let's just say I'm working on it.. So when this surgery happened the first thing out of my mouth was "WHEN can I Dr..."? At about the 1 1/2 wk mark I was chewing at the bit.. My stress was getting the better of me and everyone around me could tell I NEEDED to work it off.. So, I did what ANY athlete would do...... I got on my treadmill and went for a run.. I didn't go far, I did 2 miles and got off. Now one might think that that should have been the end of my workout. But nope, I felt so good I decided to do some ab/core work-which by the way felt amazing. It felt so great working off all that stress. The next morning, I didn't feel too bad. I actually felt better damn good. So, I decided to do it again. This time I did a 5k, weights, lunges ab/core workout.
Fast forward to yesterday, my Dr's check up.. Well I go in and his P.A looks at me and says that I have a "pocket" of fluid that needs to be drained. So with that being said, she began squeezing and poking me trying to get the fluid out.. Lucky for me that numbness isn't completely away yet. :( Everything then is fine and I'm partially cleared to go back to my normal life.. WAIT? WHAT? Partially? WTH? Ok, so it seems that the muscles under my arms need more time to heal. But the good news is that I can start BUST'IN out the ab work-YAY!!! And I can start running again-well there is a light at the end of the tunnel..
I HOPE in 2 weeks to be COMPLETELY release to do all of my workouts/running and karate-I miss it so much.. Plus how else am I going to get that knockout body?? hahahaha
SO below you'll see some pic's of me of my journey-so far only about 6 weeks. I like the changes, just wish there were more of them... :)






Sunday, October 9, 2011

getting back into the swing of things/feeling a bit off

After having a headache all day yesterday, apparently I wasn't the only one, this morning I decided to workout. And to tell you the truth I felt a bit off. I don't know if its due to still recovering, if I'm getting sick or if its because my daily intake for yesterday was low due to not feeling like myself. Yesterday was a BUSY day to say the least.. Our second son, moved into an apt with his brother. So we spent the day shopping, unloading the moving truck and unpacking-not much time for eating :(
None the less, this morning I worked out and while it felt great to get my sweat on, I also felt somewhat off. I only did 2 reps instead of my normal 3. :( I guess I should be happy that I was even out there.
since being down from surgery, my appetite hasn't been normal. I know I need to get my daily intake up and meet my daily goals. Maybe that would help me with feeling less tired? I thinking yes. So todays plan-eat BETTER and eat MORE.. Gotta feed the muscles you know.. :)
I HATE recovery, I don't feel like myself. Don't like the "no energy" feeling..

Mile run/warm up
12x2-20 lb curls (each side)
48x2-incline crunches
12x2-bar (+20lbs) squats
12x2-50 lb lunges (up&down hill)
12x2-hanging leg lifts

12x2-8 lb ball to toes
12x2-8 lb ball to top of knees12x2-leg climbers
12x2-8 lb ball Russian twists
12x2-Cross country
12x2-hello dollies
12x2-elbow to knee

Plus a p.m incline walk on the treadmill

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Ok, so before I say anything.. I KNOW I shouldn't have done it-BUT YOU try living my "TYPE A" body and being down for almost 2 weeks-then we'll talk..
Anyway, so after MUCH debate-in MY mind of course-I decided I was going to do a LITE jog.. Yep, you heard right.. I jogged this a.m. Of course I only did 2 miles, but I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.. I don't hurt, the stitches are fine, I'm not red or sore. But I am however sweaty-aaahhh what a GREAT feeling.. I also did some ab/core work.. My stress level has dropped dramatically.. :)
I would have LOVED to have lifted weights and ran further-but hey its a start, Rome wasn't built in a day and a fat person isn't going to get healthy in a day-or however the saying goes..

This a.m. workout:

2 mile run

ab/core workout:

russian twists w/ 6lb ball
leg lifts to wt'd ball
leg lifts (side to side) w/ wt'd ball
cross country
wt'd ball to top of knees
wt'd ball to ceiling
leg crossovers (elbow to knee)
reach throughs (hands between knees)

this a.m weigh in: 152.2 (^ 1 lb)

Day 13 of recovery/head ache/malase feeling

Well recovery is going SLOW, but fast. While my days are not my normal ones, they are going by. I'm use to working out (at least) 2 times a day, chasing a 2 yr/old, work, kids and my normal daily tasks. These 13 days have just about killed me. I've never been one to sit and watch the world go by. But with LOTS of help from my hubby, kids and friends I'm trying my best to make the most of the time down.
Interesting side note.. Last night my hubby and I went out for dinner, and I order the beet salad ( my absolute favorite) and an ice tea. The tea was a bit bitter so I used a "splenda" ( yea, I should have known) and this a.m iwoke up to a HORRIABLE headache... Since changing my diet to a raw/plant base/vegan diet, I haven't used sweeteners. I can tell you right now, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
While I haven't been able to workout I've noticed that my stress level is (needless to say) through the roof.. When you have 6 kids, a house, school, a high stressful career (EMS) a workout is a MUST!! I have just short of 3 days left before my Dr's appt. I hope I get the all clear, even if it's to "slowly" return to my normal workout routine. Something is better than nothing. I have gone on 3 mile walks since surgery, but it's not the same. Because all I want to do is take off into a full on sprint. Tomorrow is going to be a ROUGH day.. It's what should be my long run/cardio day.. Which entails anything (run) over 7 miles.. Like I said just 3 days-hopefully.

The good news is that with this recovery I've managed to bring my daily intake up and still lose weight..
Down 9.3 lbs (total since switching to plant base diet)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Been down since Monday

Well I've been down, so to speak since Monday and it's KILLING me!! I had surgery under my arms to remove some nodes. Everything is fine and I'm healing but man do I miss working out, lifting weights, karate and running. You would think it would be a nice little vacation to my body-no not at all. :( I keep telling myself that once I heal I'll be back in full swing-but this SUX! Yesterday (Friday), was the first day that I went for a walk other than walking to the bathroom. It felt SO good to move around. Now if I can only heal enough to lay on my sides. Don't see that happening for a little while. :(
Anyway, so today I'm going to trying a go for a 2 mile walk. I've been eating less calories (not that much less-about 1800-2000) a day, because I don't yet know where my "cut off" is to maintain my weight. Once I start moving more, I'll up my calories and stuff to fit my workouts.
I did however find out about a n crossfit gym about 1.5 miles from us. Went and talked to the owner, so hopefully I'll be up and healed before to long so I can get back back to my training.
But in the meantime I have to been eating more vegan/organic foods. Dave even made me homemade raw vegan bars-talk about good.. This things could get me in trouble :)
So today I think we'll make caramel apple bars..

Today's weigh in: