Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 13 of recovery/head ache/malase feeling

Well recovery is going SLOW, but fast. While my days are not my normal ones, they are going by. I'm use to working out (at least) 2 times a day, chasing a 2 yr/old, work, kids and my normal daily tasks. These 13 days have just about killed me. I've never been one to sit and watch the world go by. But with LOTS of help from my hubby, kids and friends I'm trying my best to make the most of the time down.
Interesting side note.. Last night my hubby and I went out for dinner, and I order the beet salad ( my absolute favorite) and an ice tea. The tea was a bit bitter so I used a "splenda" ( yea, I should have known) and this a.m iwoke up to a HORRIABLE headache... Since changing my diet to a raw/plant base/vegan diet, I haven't used sweeteners. I can tell you right now, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
While I haven't been able to workout I've noticed that my stress level is (needless to say) through the roof.. When you have 6 kids, a house, school, a high stressful career (EMS) a workout is a MUST!! I have just short of 3 days left before my Dr's appt. I hope I get the all clear, even if it's to "slowly" return to my normal workout routine. Something is better than nothing. I have gone on 3 mile walks since surgery, but it's not the same. Because all I want to do is take off into a full on sprint. Tomorrow is going to be a ROUGH day.. It's what should be my long run/cardio day.. Which entails anything (run) over 7 miles.. Like I said just 3 days-hopefully.

The good news is that with this recovery I've managed to bring my daily intake up and still lose weight..
Down 9.3 lbs (total since switching to plant base diet)

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