Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2 months later-PRO's and CON's

Ok so many of you know that I have been trying to "improve" my health, my body (mainly my lean mass/muscles) and drop my body fat.. And yes, I hear you when you say, "why you look great now". But to tell you the truth-its not about just looking good. Its about reaching a goal that I've set in front of me. A goal of a much leaner, healthier and muscular me.
When I started this journey, I didn't expect that I would have a "wall" to overcome 6 weeks into it. My surgery, by far has started to "eat", if you will at my mind.. I by nature am a TYPE A person, and if you're talking about competitive? Well then I'm your woman.. Let's just say I'm working on it.. So when this surgery happened the first thing out of my mouth was "WHEN can I Dr..."? At about the 1 1/2 wk mark I was chewing at the bit.. My stress was getting the better of me and everyone around me could tell I NEEDED to work it off.. So, I did what ANY athlete would do...... I got on my treadmill and went for a run.. I didn't go far, I did 2 miles and got off. Now one might think that that should have been the end of my workout. But nope, I felt so good I decided to do some ab/core work-which by the way felt amazing. It felt so great working off all that stress. The next morning, I didn't feel too bad. I actually felt better damn good. So, I decided to do it again. This time I did a 5k, weights, lunges ab/core workout.
Fast forward to yesterday, my Dr's check up.. Well I go in and his P.A looks at me and says that I have a "pocket" of fluid that needs to be drained. So with that being said, she began squeezing and poking me trying to get the fluid out.. Lucky for me that numbness isn't completely away yet. :( Everything then is fine and I'm partially cleared to go back to my normal life.. WAIT? WHAT? Partially? WTH? Ok, so it seems that the muscles under my arms need more time to heal. But the good news is that I can start BUST'IN out the ab work-YAY!!! And I can start running again-well there is a light at the end of the tunnel..
I HOPE in 2 weeks to be COMPLETELY release to do all of my workouts/running and karate-I miss it so much.. Plus how else am I going to get that knockout body?? hahahaha
SO below you'll see some pic's of me of my journey-so far only about 6 weeks. I like the changes, just wish there were more of them... :)






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