Saturday, October 8, 2011


Ok, so before I say anything.. I KNOW I shouldn't have done it-BUT YOU try living my "TYPE A" body and being down for almost 2 weeks-then we'll talk..
Anyway, so after MUCH debate-in MY mind of course-I decided I was going to do a LITE jog.. Yep, you heard right.. I jogged this a.m. Of course I only did 2 miles, but I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.. I don't hurt, the stitches are fine, I'm not red or sore. But I am however sweaty-aaahhh what a GREAT feeling.. I also did some ab/core work.. My stress level has dropped dramatically.. :)
I would have LOVED to have lifted weights and ran further-but hey its a start, Rome wasn't built in a day and a fat person isn't going to get healthy in a day-or however the saying goes..

This a.m. workout:

2 mile run

ab/core workout:

russian twists w/ 6lb ball
leg lifts to wt'd ball
leg lifts (side to side) w/ wt'd ball
cross country
wt'd ball to top of knees
wt'd ball to ceiling
leg crossovers (elbow to knee)
reach throughs (hands between knees)

this a.m weigh in: 152.2 (^ 1 lb)

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