Sunday, October 9, 2011

getting back into the swing of things/feeling a bit off

After having a headache all day yesterday, apparently I wasn't the only one, this morning I decided to workout. And to tell you the truth I felt a bit off. I don't know if its due to still recovering, if I'm getting sick or if its because my daily intake for yesterday was low due to not feeling like myself. Yesterday was a BUSY day to say the least.. Our second son, moved into an apt with his brother. So we spent the day shopping, unloading the moving truck and unpacking-not much time for eating :(
None the less, this morning I worked out and while it felt great to get my sweat on, I also felt somewhat off. I only did 2 reps instead of my normal 3. :( I guess I should be happy that I was even out there.
since being down from surgery, my appetite hasn't been normal. I know I need to get my daily intake up and meet my daily goals. Maybe that would help me with feeling less tired? I thinking yes. So todays plan-eat BETTER and eat MORE.. Gotta feed the muscles you know.. :)
I HATE recovery, I don't feel like myself. Don't like the "no energy" feeling..

Mile run/warm up
12x2-20 lb curls (each side)
48x2-incline crunches
12x2-bar (+20lbs) squats
12x2-50 lb lunges (up&down hill)
12x2-hanging leg lifts

12x2-8 lb ball to toes
12x2-8 lb ball to top of knees12x2-leg climbers
12x2-8 lb ball Russian twists
12x2-Cross country
12x2-hello dollies
12x2-elbow to knee

Plus a p.m incline walk on the treadmill

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