Friday, October 28, 2011

How can 2 different "scales" give 2 different outcomes??

Ok so I'm at my WITS END.. Or maybe its just one of "THOSE" days where you feel like throwing in the towel.. Not that I'm going to, but man it does get trying at times. For 6 weeks I've been lifting weights, running, ab/core and karate but for some reason I feel like I should have been further along than I am. I know, I know-common sense should be kicking in right about now, but the TYPE A side of me says I'm busting my ass with little changes.
I have lost about 10 pounds and 2+ inches off my waist. My muscle tone has improved ( I still want more muscle mass)-but I'm happy with the results I've gotten so far.
While I know that everything takes time and you have to work for the results-it's still upsetting to see things move SLOWLY.
I got my hopes up when I read a BMI/body fat/weight scale today.. It said 12.7% body fat-OMG WOULDNT THAT BE FANTASTIC!!! Seeing as how my goal is 12-13%.. So then I started going over my wave fit results.. The outcome of those results doesn't even come close to the scales results..

The scale said(10/18/11)----
lean mass-87.3%(130.95 pounds)
fat mass-12.7%

The wave fit said (9/10/11)-
lean mass-76.84%(119.1 pounds)
fat mass-23.16%
*I went up in weight after the test was done-my body was in starvation mode. I went up to 160 lbs)

I think its ALMOST impossible to increase your lean mass by 10.46% in 1 month and 8 days.. Thats only 11.85 pounds.. Or have I lost my mind all together???
so for every 1% of lean mass I gain it equals 1.13288719 pounds of weight loss (if I'm doing the math correctly and of course it does change with my weight..)

CAN I JUST HURRY UP AND HEAL ALL DAMN READY.. I'm dying to get back to my heavy weight lifting, my full contact karate and my long distance running..
So thats my RANT, BITCH or COMPLAINT for today.. I feel better now-even if still confused haha

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