Saturday, October 1, 2011

Been down since Monday

Well I've been down, so to speak since Monday and it's KILLING me!! I had surgery under my arms to remove some nodes. Everything is fine and I'm healing but man do I miss working out, lifting weights, karate and running. You would think it would be a nice little vacation to my body-no not at all. :( I keep telling myself that once I heal I'll be back in full swing-but this SUX! Yesterday (Friday), was the first day that I went for a walk other than walking to the bathroom. It felt SO good to move around. Now if I can only heal enough to lay on my sides. Don't see that happening for a little while. :(
Anyway, so today I'm going to trying a go for a 2 mile walk. I've been eating less calories (not that much less-about 1800-2000) a day, because I don't yet know where my "cut off" is to maintain my weight. Once I start moving more, I'll up my calories and stuff to fit my workouts.
I did however find out about a n crossfit gym about 1.5 miles from us. Went and talked to the owner, so hopefully I'll be up and healed before to long so I can get back back to my training.
But in the meantime I have to been eating more vegan/organic foods. Dave even made me homemade raw vegan bars-talk about good.. This things could get me in trouble :)
So today I think we'll make caramel apple bars..

Today's weigh in:

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