Saturday, August 27, 2011

big changes-hydrostatic test date/new habits/rest day

I can't believe that I eat SO much and still have lost weight. I have cut out ALL ANIMAL products (including fish) and I'm eating fresh veggies and fruits (MOSTLY organic's) and have totally fallen in love with how i feel. It's amazing to feel so "clean", if you will and still walk away full. It's almost scary to see how much food I eat and yet I keep dropping in weight, but yet gain in muscle mass. While I know the road to very low body fat is still a long one, I already can feel (& see) the changes starting to take place.
I thought by cutting out the animal products/meats would make me hungry and tired, it hasn't, on the contrary, i feel like I have more energy. Even during my cycle, I just KNEW I was going to WANT/NEED chocolate or be EXTREMELY tired.. Well, no such luck.. instead of my normal 6-8 pound water weight gain I only gained about a pound.. Which in my book is great. I went today to get a mani/pedi and while they were giving me my mani-I almost lost my ring.. I couldn't believe it, even my fingers have lost weight.
So, next month Dave and I both have a hydrostatic test (9/10/11), which I can't wait for.. I have to keep in my head that this is a "starting" point and that things can only get better from here. Which has always been one of my problems..
We still have to get ahold of a Dr. to do our blood work to check a few things, just to make sure we are getting the right amount of everything.
I find myself reading EVERYTHING I can get my hands one about "whats healthy" or I reading labels to everything I eat. Which I never did before, or at least not like I do now.. I hold myself accountable for everything I eat.
Today has been a hard day for me.. Only because today was my rest day.. It was hard for me to NOT do any exercise.. It almost felt guilty. So tomorrow, I guess I'll have to make up for it. It's my long run day, even though the calendar says only run 3.. yeah right like thats going to happen.. :)

so below is my list of exercise that I did yesterday (Friday)=BACK&BICEP day

1 warm up run
Renegade rows-2x15@20
Pull up jumps-2x1 min
Single arm bicep curls-2x12@20
Bicep curls(ez bar)-2x1min
Rev fly (incline bench)-2x12@12
Squat rows-2x50
Lat pull down-2x1min@70
Crazy 8's-4x8's

Hangin leg lifts-
Bosu crunches w/ 8 lb ball
Bosu crunches w/ 8 lb ball touches
Elbow 2 knee crunch x 2
Shins to wt'd ball
Rolling wheel 
Planks on 1 leg (each side)


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