Tuesday, August 9, 2011

365 day journey(a leaner me)

I've started this blog to help keep me motivated for the next year. A place to keep my thoughts, dreams, vents and all the other info about my journey to a leaner me. Most people see me as "normal" weight.. But what they don't know, is that I have had to work for every bit of that "normal" weight. I use to be that "fat" girl-yep, believe it.. (I'll post pic's later of this girl I left behind). So in the blogs to follow I will be posting EVERYTHING-(please be advised this is NOT for the faint of heart). Even monthly weigh in's, measurements, daily food journal's as well as my workouts (good and/or bad). I hope you'll follow and watch the changes.. Peace


  1. well i shall follow you along this journey you are about to take and be there every step of the way. :) to take pictures of the good the bad and the ugly.. :)
