Saturday, August 20, 2011

Was suppose to get a long run in today, but no ones home to watch the little ones :( - so I have to do something today and run tomorrow..
1 mi run
10-min bike warm-up
5 min core/10 min bike intervals
5 min core/10 min bike intervals
5 min core
10-min bike cool down

abs/core: 1 min each--
single-leg squats w/ light weight shoulder press
Bicycle crunches
Russian twists w/8 lb ball
Stability ball hamstring curl on back

The Bike Intervals: 2 min each
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM (light gear)
Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to70 RPM (med gear)
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to 70 RPM
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
Bench press


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