Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 4-a.m run/wt loss/farmers market

The end of day 4 and all's well-haha.. I know that this journey isn't going to be easy. Already I've had cravings for my "old ways"-you know the ones... the homemade-hot chocolate chip cookies or buttery popcorn.. But I ignored ALL temptation by finding something else to do.. My house, kids and "lists" are the cleanest, taken care of and checked off-hahaha. Funny how wanting to improve "your" life, improves the lives of others.. :)
So this mornings run went well.. Even though I didn't want to get out of bed-it was a TOUGH night with Niko-but with my hubbys gentle prodding I was up and out the door. Which leads me to another "thought" to pounder... Can anyone tell me why on earth people DONT leash their dogs on running paths??? And then they have the nerve to look at YOU when you stop running due to FEAR of being chased down.. I've been a runner for many years and I can say without a doubt this is number 1 on my list of "pet" peeves if you will.. The other you might ask???? Well... Its when the owner of said dog(s) don't clean up after THEIR pet.. REALLY??? Come on people, these are YOUR pets, not mine.. Keep in mind, I'm NOT a dog hater.. On the contrary, I LOVE dogs-just not the owners who aren't responsible enough to clean up after their dogs or let them roam free on a walking/running trail.. We DO have dog parks ya know.. Ok, enough ranting.. :)

Our bounty from the farmers market..

In 4 days of training 2x's a day AND cutting out the crappy food, weighing the GOOD food (mostly plant based-with very little "meat" protein) I've lost almost 5 pounds. I've been making sure I eat every 2 hrs (TOPS). Only locally organic fresh veggies/fruits. Took the kiddos to the farmers market today and we left with SO much food.. They had a great time and can't wait to go back.. Guess its going to be a weekly thing :)
Tomorrow we pick up our new weight set/bench.. I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!! :)

a.m exercise-
3 mile run
ab/core work

did a lot of walking today (Ikea and farmers market)

p.m exercise-
ab/core work

8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals 120     
Total Fat 2          
Total Carb 3       
Protein 23 

6 oz coffee

Total Cal.
Total Fat.

2.5 oz steamed fish
2.5 oz steamed veggies
8.4 SF Red Bull~
6 oz hot tea w/ spelenda-0
Total Cal.75
Total Fat. 1
Protein. 12
Carbs. 6

2 oz mix nuts
Total Cal. 160
Total Fat. 13
Protein. 5
Carbs. 9

2.22 oz steamed chicken
2.43 oz steamed mix veggies
1.90 oz tomato/EVOO/goat cheese/basil
Total Cal. 65
Total Fat. 1
Protein. 12
Carbs. 2

8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals. 120     
Total Fat.  2          
Total Carb. 3       
Protein. 23 

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