Wednesday, August 10, 2011

changing up the weight training/diet

Day 3-weight training/ab&core work in the a.m-cardio/ab&core work in the p.m--

This a.m's training session didn't go as planned, but thats ok theres always tonight. We did however get in some ab/core time. The training session was a discussion on what we can do to to get me to my goals. Boy do have a lot of work cut out for me. But WELL WORTH IT..
I'm no stranger to logging my food, vitamins or workouts- but this is going to take some time getting use to.

Here is a list of vitamins/minerals I'm on (for now, until my body can keep up with everything):

1 scoop of Martix w/ 8 oz of water and hand full of ice
total Omega 3,6,9
Iron pill 65 mg
B12 x2 strips
CLA (for my bad knees)
Liquid multi vitamin
Liquid B complex
Ionic Zinc 50 mg
Liquid Calcium
Liquid Iron

Turmeric ( I know its not a vitamin, but so many healthy benefits)

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