Thursday, August 18, 2011

Farmers market/new swimming pass/^ protein

Today has been ONE OF THOSE DAYS.. But I didn't "stress" eat or go back to eating unhealthy foods.. I'm learning to "control", if you will my eating and emotions.. Only people who have or have had an eating disorder understand the type of the tug of war that plays out in your head on days like today.. Well I'm happy to report, I made it through alive (and very proud of myself).
We went to the farmers market again today, had a great time. Try to stay away from all of unhealthy foods.. Why does it have to smell so good, when I KNOW it isn't good for me?
I also got my new swimming pass for the month.. I'm a really strong swimmer, but it's been FOREVER since I've done laps. I got this, no problem.. Of course I say this now, before I've even gotten in the pool.. :)
So while looking threw my food journal, I've realized I needed to up my protein.. I'm still finding new ways to get it in my diet more. It use to be red meat.. Not anymore.. :( I hope at some point switching from meat eater to vegan will get easier.. I think I've done "fairly" well. I have had red meat and my white meat now comes in 2-3oz very spairingly every couple of days.. I just need other recipes to try.. Will have to look into it.. Also have to look into finding better shorts to lift weights in.. I only have "runners" shorts, which are not good to lift in..
I'm so glad it's chest and triceps tomorrow, I don't think I could do anything with my legs.. Wednesdays leg day about killed me.. I'm never sore
, but today was a different story.. Guess it's working.. I can't wait to start seeing changes in my body (lean muscle wise). I'm already starting to feel the difference inside..

8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Mixed salad,tomatoes,avocado, micro sprouts,vinegar  
Tuna, tomatoes, no carb mayo
Handful crackers
Mixed salad, avocado, micro sprouts, red bell pepper, 1 boiled egg, 3 oz chicken, blue berries, 1/2 plum, tomatoes
Power bar
8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
TOTAL CALS:::1,018
TOATL FAT:::35.31


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