Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today was a rest day, sort of.. :)

Well its the end of day 2 and I'm loving it. Today has a been a great day. My energy level has a really picked up. Even though this is only day 2, I have slowly been changing my diet and eating patterns. Which has made a world of difference.

My Diet:::
Morning coffee 4oz
8oz protein shake w/ vitamins:
1oz mixed raw nuts
Isopure drink
2.5 oz steamed fish
3oz tomato/basil/EVOO/goat cheese
4-5oz edamame
1 Tbs almond butter (organic)
1 Tbs molasses (organic)
4 oz steamed chicken
1/2 c steamed veggies
1/2 c tomato/basil/EVOO/goat cheese
2 oz raw mixed nuts

My exercise:::

a.m walk w/ the jogger & Niko (it turned into a slow jog): 3 miles
p.m ab/core workout:
Russian twists w/ 8 pound ball: 2 sets x 20
Planks w/ 8 lb ball: 2 (L) leg up/ 2 (R) leg up
Balance kick frogs (ball between feet)
Leg lifts w/ 8 lb ball (1 leg up at a time- side to side)
Rolling plank w/ wheel

I think I'll start adding info in calories/fat/sugar/carbs and what I've burned with my workouts. Unfortunately I didn't do that :( t tomorrows a new day. Tomorrow is also picture day---hhhmmm don't think I'm going to like that very much.. Oh well have to start somewhere, right?

Balance ball plank

1 comment:

  1. Pics of you? Always beautiful! :)). My rest day was more restful but yet still surprising!
