Friday, October 28, 2011

How can 2 different "scales" give 2 different outcomes??

Ok so I'm at my WITS END.. Or maybe its just one of "THOSE" days where you feel like throwing in the towel.. Not that I'm going to, but man it does get trying at times. For 6 weeks I've been lifting weights, running, ab/core and karate but for some reason I feel like I should have been further along than I am. I know, I know-common sense should be kicking in right about now, but the TYPE A side of me says I'm busting my ass with little changes.
I have lost about 10 pounds and 2+ inches off my waist. My muscle tone has improved ( I still want more muscle mass)-but I'm happy with the results I've gotten so far.
While I know that everything takes time and you have to work for the results-it's still upsetting to see things move SLOWLY.
I got my hopes up when I read a BMI/body fat/weight scale today.. It said 12.7% body fat-OMG WOULDNT THAT BE FANTASTIC!!! Seeing as how my goal is 12-13%.. So then I started going over my wave fit results.. The outcome of those results doesn't even come close to the scales results..

The scale said(10/18/11)----
lean mass-87.3%(130.95 pounds)
fat mass-12.7%

The wave fit said (9/10/11)-
lean mass-76.84%(119.1 pounds)
fat mass-23.16%
*I went up in weight after the test was done-my body was in starvation mode. I went up to 160 lbs)

I think its ALMOST impossible to increase your lean mass by 10.46% in 1 month and 8 days.. Thats only 11.85 pounds.. Or have I lost my mind all together???
so for every 1% of lean mass I gain it equals 1.13288719 pounds of weight loss (if I'm doing the math correctly and of course it does change with my weight..)

CAN I JUST HURRY UP AND HEAL ALL DAMN READY.. I'm dying to get back to my heavy weight lifting, my full contact karate and my long distance running..
So thats my RANT, BITCH or COMPLAINT for today.. I feel better now-even if still confused haha

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

2 months later-PRO's and CON's

Ok so many of you know that I have been trying to "improve" my health, my body (mainly my lean mass/muscles) and drop my body fat.. And yes, I hear you when you say, "why you look great now". But to tell you the truth-its not about just looking good. Its about reaching a goal that I've set in front of me. A goal of a much leaner, healthier and muscular me.
When I started this journey, I didn't expect that I would have a "wall" to overcome 6 weeks into it. My surgery, by far has started to "eat", if you will at my mind.. I by nature am a TYPE A person, and if you're talking about competitive? Well then I'm your woman.. Let's just say I'm working on it.. So when this surgery happened the first thing out of my mouth was "WHEN can I Dr..."? At about the 1 1/2 wk mark I was chewing at the bit.. My stress was getting the better of me and everyone around me could tell I NEEDED to work it off.. So, I did what ANY athlete would do...... I got on my treadmill and went for a run.. I didn't go far, I did 2 miles and got off. Now one might think that that should have been the end of my workout. But nope, I felt so good I decided to do some ab/core work-which by the way felt amazing. It felt so great working off all that stress. The next morning, I didn't feel too bad. I actually felt better damn good. So, I decided to do it again. This time I did a 5k, weights, lunges ab/core workout.
Fast forward to yesterday, my Dr's check up.. Well I go in and his P.A looks at me and says that I have a "pocket" of fluid that needs to be drained. So with that being said, she began squeezing and poking me trying to get the fluid out.. Lucky for me that numbness isn't completely away yet. :( Everything then is fine and I'm partially cleared to go back to my normal life.. WAIT? WHAT? Partially? WTH? Ok, so it seems that the muscles under my arms need more time to heal. But the good news is that I can start BUST'IN out the ab work-YAY!!! And I can start running again-well there is a light at the end of the tunnel..
I HOPE in 2 weeks to be COMPLETELY release to do all of my workouts/running and karate-I miss it so much.. Plus how else am I going to get that knockout body?? hahahaha
SO below you'll see some pic's of me of my journey-so far only about 6 weeks. I like the changes, just wish there were more of them... :)






Sunday, October 9, 2011

getting back into the swing of things/feeling a bit off

After having a headache all day yesterday, apparently I wasn't the only one, this morning I decided to workout. And to tell you the truth I felt a bit off. I don't know if its due to still recovering, if I'm getting sick or if its because my daily intake for yesterday was low due to not feeling like myself. Yesterday was a BUSY day to say the least.. Our second son, moved into an apt with his brother. So we spent the day shopping, unloading the moving truck and unpacking-not much time for eating :(
None the less, this morning I worked out and while it felt great to get my sweat on, I also felt somewhat off. I only did 2 reps instead of my normal 3. :( I guess I should be happy that I was even out there.
since being down from surgery, my appetite hasn't been normal. I know I need to get my daily intake up and meet my daily goals. Maybe that would help me with feeling less tired? I thinking yes. So todays plan-eat BETTER and eat MORE.. Gotta feed the muscles you know.. :)
I HATE recovery, I don't feel like myself. Don't like the "no energy" feeling..

Mile run/warm up
12x2-20 lb curls (each side)
48x2-incline crunches
12x2-bar (+20lbs) squats
12x2-50 lb lunges (up&down hill)
12x2-hanging leg lifts

12x2-8 lb ball to toes
12x2-8 lb ball to top of knees12x2-leg climbers
12x2-8 lb ball Russian twists
12x2-Cross country
12x2-hello dollies
12x2-elbow to knee

Plus a p.m incline walk on the treadmill

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Ok, so before I say anything.. I KNOW I shouldn't have done it-BUT YOU try living my "TYPE A" body and being down for almost 2 weeks-then we'll talk..
Anyway, so after MUCH debate-in MY mind of course-I decided I was going to do a LITE jog.. Yep, you heard right.. I jogged this a.m. Of course I only did 2 miles, but I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER.. I don't hurt, the stitches are fine, I'm not red or sore. But I am however sweaty-aaahhh what a GREAT feeling.. I also did some ab/core work.. My stress level has dropped dramatically.. :)
I would have LOVED to have lifted weights and ran further-but hey its a start, Rome wasn't built in a day and a fat person isn't going to get healthy in a day-or however the saying goes..

This a.m. workout:

2 mile run

ab/core workout:

russian twists w/ 6lb ball
leg lifts to wt'd ball
leg lifts (side to side) w/ wt'd ball
cross country
wt'd ball to top of knees
wt'd ball to ceiling
leg crossovers (elbow to knee)
reach throughs (hands between knees)

this a.m weigh in: 152.2 (^ 1 lb)

Day 13 of recovery/head ache/malase feeling

Well recovery is going SLOW, but fast. While my days are not my normal ones, they are going by. I'm use to working out (at least) 2 times a day, chasing a 2 yr/old, work, kids and my normal daily tasks. These 13 days have just about killed me. I've never been one to sit and watch the world go by. But with LOTS of help from my hubby, kids and friends I'm trying my best to make the most of the time down.
Interesting side note.. Last night my hubby and I went out for dinner, and I order the beet salad ( my absolute favorite) and an ice tea. The tea was a bit bitter so I used a "splenda" ( yea, I should have known) and this a.m iwoke up to a HORRIABLE headache... Since changing my diet to a raw/plant base/vegan diet, I haven't used sweeteners. I can tell you right now, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
While I haven't been able to workout I've noticed that my stress level is (needless to say) through the roof.. When you have 6 kids, a house, school, a high stressful career (EMS) a workout is a MUST!! I have just short of 3 days left before my Dr's appt. I hope I get the all clear, even if it's to "slowly" return to my normal workout routine. Something is better than nothing. I have gone on 3 mile walks since surgery, but it's not the same. Because all I want to do is take off into a full on sprint. Tomorrow is going to be a ROUGH day.. It's what should be my long run/cardio day.. Which entails anything (run) over 7 miles.. Like I said just 3 days-hopefully.

The good news is that with this recovery I've managed to bring my daily intake up and still lose weight..
Down 9.3 lbs (total since switching to plant base diet)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Been down since Monday

Well I've been down, so to speak since Monday and it's KILLING me!! I had surgery under my arms to remove some nodes. Everything is fine and I'm healing but man do I miss working out, lifting weights, karate and running. You would think it would be a nice little vacation to my body-no not at all. :( I keep telling myself that once I heal I'll be back in full swing-but this SUX! Yesterday (Friday), was the first day that I went for a walk other than walking to the bathroom. It felt SO good to move around. Now if I can only heal enough to lay on my sides. Don't see that happening for a little while. :(
Anyway, so today I'm going to trying a go for a 2 mile walk. I've been eating less calories (not that much less-about 1800-2000) a day, because I don't yet know where my "cut off" is to maintain my weight. Once I start moving more, I'll up my calories and stuff to fit my workouts.
I did however find out about a n crossfit gym about 1.5 miles from us. Went and talked to the owner, so hopefully I'll be up and healed before to long so I can get back back to my training.
But in the meantime I have to been eating more vegan/organic foods. Dave even made me homemade raw vegan bars-talk about good.. This things could get me in trouble :)
So today I think we'll make caramel apple bars..

Today's weigh in:

Monday, September 19, 2011

CORRECTION/higher totals

With a LOT of help from Amber, I'm learning the RIGHT way of gaining lean muscle mass, losing weight, eating better and getting my numbers up to help improve my daily workouts.
I can see changes in my body, its functions and my workouts..
below is the RIGHT scale..
So my numbers for today:

FOOD: 2526
CARBS: 253
FAT: 115
my NET: -734 cals

While I'm not at my NORMAL daily intake of cals (2900)-I'm getting there..

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Total Energy Expenditure?

Ok, so I put in all my info (to the best of my knowledge) and it came up with some weird ass number.. WTH? But then I have to figure out what and HOW much daily intake I should be having to lose weight, gain lean muscle mass.. Ok, I think I'm going to go CRAZY..
Trying to figure everything out is like planning a trip to the moon... Or maybe it's because I'm tried...

So as today was my rest/recovery day I really didn't do anything that could be "counted" as exercise. So I took a normal day and used those numbers.

Here's my numbers for today: (not good but not bad)..
Cals-2216 (better)
Carbs-285(good) ^than300
Fat-85(could've been less) less than 75
Pro-96(could've been higher)-about 119

Seems while I keep trying to eat better and more often, my energy level goes up (and so does my exercise).
I don't eat any animal products and LOVE the way I feel. Just wish I would start to see some changes in the scale.. The changes in my body are AMAZING.. My pec's, biceps, triceps,glutes,legs and traps are really taking off. I hope to post pic's the very end of Dec. or the beginning of Jan. about the same time as we do our next wave fit test.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/13/11-exercise and the numbers

Cals 1933
Carbs 261
Fat 55
Pro 106


1 mi warm up run
Pull downs-3x12@80lbs
Renegade rows-3x12@25(each side)
Bench Tricep extensions-3x12@30lbs(each side)
Skull crushers (bench)-3x12@30lbs
Bench butterflies-3x12@25(each side)
Russian twists w/ 8lb ball
Crunchy frogs-2x1minute
Elbow to knee (both sides)-1 min each side
Ball to tops of knees-1 minute

Warm up
Karate-1 hr

What I've learned..

What I've learned

It's been a couple of days since my last blog. Things have been SUPER busy. But I can tell you that I have learned so much in the last few weeks about myself and my body. I've learned that just because you eat less doesn't mean you're going to lose weight. That for every 10 lbs of body fat you will lose 1-2 pounds of lean muscle mass. Which is just counter productive and that if you want to build LEAN MUSCLE MASS you have to make sure you eat to fuel that workout. 
What I haven't learned is how to eat clean, organic and healthy foods with no animal protein/products and still meet the HIGH calorie output I'm putting on myself and my body. I know it can be done, I have friends who (pretty much) follow the diet I follow and they seem to be able to reach their daily caloric intake while still having a low body fat, gaining lean muscle and still can function on a daily bases.
Yesterday was the 1st time in a long time that I ate over 2100 calories. The 2200 calories that I was told to eat is only a starting point for me. At some point I have to be able to eat more calories. While it felt strange eating all that food, this mornings weight training, running and ab work was AMAZING. I didn't hit any walls or bonk. If I keep telling myself that food IS fuel I'll have great workouts and get to my goals of low body fat and lean muscle mass..

I only have 11% to lose in my body fat and about 20-25lbs to reach my goals of low body fat and my goal weight. But even rit now I'm very proud of my overall weight loss. Which many of you may not know was over 80 pounds ago.. So if I can do 80+, then I know I can knock out 20-25 pounds!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well I've upped my calories, protein and carbs.. I NEVER believed that if you did that, that you could lose weight. I have more energy, sleep better, skin looks amazing and more workouts have IMPROVED by leaps and bounds.. I use to only eat about 800-maybe 1000 (rarely) and my workouts really showed-so did my body/muscles. While I was "toned" and trim. I still wasn't getting the lean muscle mass I wanted. So with the advice of an AMAZING weight lifter-she told me to start eating MORE.. But not just eat more, but eat more healthy foods. So I gave up red meat, then went to white meat for about 2 weeks and now I haven't had meat of any kind. And boy does my body feel the difference. I've also picked up a new sport-karate. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE karate. Even with all the bruises and aches and pains-we practice 4 nights a week (an hr each nite) I can't wait to go.
I also have put a running training schedule in place. I run 6 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are pre weight training runs (warm up runs). Then on Tuesday, Thursday I run at least 30 minutes (3+ miles), some times with Niko in his jogger and some times without. Then on Sunday I have a long run of 6 or more. I ALWAYS do ab/core work-20 minutes a day. My abs have started to split and I DIFFERENTLY have a 6 pak and its only been about 4-5 weeks.
I'm a FIRM believer that you get back what you put in. But in order for you to get the best out of your workouts, you HAVE to get beyond the whole, "if I eat less-I'll weigh less". Which in my book is the toughest thing to get past.
I've been called STRONG willed, bull headed and head strong.. Which in MOST cases it works in my favor.. But when it comes to "food" or my weight-thats another story.  when my body says I can't run another mile-my head kicks in and and pushes me to run another 2.. But when it comes to food, I've ALWAYS believed that the least amount you eat the better off your weight/body would be. Talk about a struggle..
Since starting this journey, I have changed MANY thoughts, plans and schedules-most (if not all) I hope were for the better to help me get to my goals.

here's my workout today
a.m run, 
10 min speed rope, 
renegade rows w/ 25lbs (ea side),
kettlebell ab swings, 
dead lifts, 
crunches w/8lb ball, 
knee crunches w/8lb ball, 
russian twists w/ 8lb ball 
30 chin to bosu

hr walking at the market (more fruit and veggies)

My p.m workout
hr karate
20 mins ab/core

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Haven't blogged in a while.

Can't believe I haven't been on here in a while.. Life has been VERY BUSY to say the least. Well with all the hard weight training(3 days a wk), running (6 days a wk), karate (4 days)and normal life, home and kids it's a wonder I have time to pee.
Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I've worked out and felt it the following day. I upped the weight and reps. I've also changed my food, cals, protein but most of all carbs. I use to only eat about 25-30 carbs a day, and even that was HIGH for me but lately I've upped my carbs to 125-130 and have seen (& felt) results. I have great workouts and look at food more as fuel. I diffently can tell the difference in my energy level. So bring on the carbs (good carbs that is) and the workouts.. I'll have to post my yesterday's workout later.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

big changes-hydrostatic test date/new habits/rest day

I can't believe that I eat SO much and still have lost weight. I have cut out ALL ANIMAL products (including fish) and I'm eating fresh veggies and fruits (MOSTLY organic's) and have totally fallen in love with how i feel. It's amazing to feel so "clean", if you will and still walk away full. It's almost scary to see how much food I eat and yet I keep dropping in weight, but yet gain in muscle mass. While I know the road to very low body fat is still a long one, I already can feel (& see) the changes starting to take place.
I thought by cutting out the animal products/meats would make me hungry and tired, it hasn't, on the contrary, i feel like I have more energy. Even during my cycle, I just KNEW I was going to WANT/NEED chocolate or be EXTREMELY tired.. Well, no such luck.. instead of my normal 6-8 pound water weight gain I only gained about a pound.. Which in my book is great. I went today to get a mani/pedi and while they were giving me my mani-I almost lost my ring.. I couldn't believe it, even my fingers have lost weight.
So, next month Dave and I both have a hydrostatic test (9/10/11), which I can't wait for.. I have to keep in my head that this is a "starting" point and that things can only get better from here. Which has always been one of my problems..
We still have to get ahold of a Dr. to do our blood work to check a few things, just to make sure we are getting the right amount of everything.
I find myself reading EVERYTHING I can get my hands one about "whats healthy" or I reading labels to everything I eat. Which I never did before, or at least not like I do now.. I hold myself accountable for everything I eat.
Today has been a hard day for me.. Only because today was my rest day.. It was hard for me to NOT do any exercise.. It almost felt guilty. So tomorrow, I guess I'll have to make up for it. It's my long run day, even though the calendar says only run 3.. yeah right like thats going to happen.. :)

so below is my list of exercise that I did yesterday (Friday)=BACK&BICEP day

1 warm up run
Renegade rows-2x15@20
Pull up jumps-2x1 min
Single arm bicep curls-2x12@20
Bicep curls(ez bar)-2x1min
Rev fly (incline bench)-2x12@12
Squat rows-2x50
Lat pull down-2x1min@70
Crazy 8's-4x8's

Hangin leg lifts-
Bosu crunches w/ 8 lb ball
Bosu crunches w/ 8 lb ball touches
Elbow 2 knee crunch x 2
Shins to wt'd ball
Rolling wheel 
Planks on 1 leg (each side)


Monday, August 22, 2011

Sore neck muscles/no marathon/new training schedule

I can't believe that I still have a sore neck.. It's been days now.. Ugh.. I have a massage in the morning, after my run. Well today was the day that I knew I would not be running in the marathon. I feel like such a failure and that the things in my life aren't as important to others as they are to me.. When did this happen? How did I LET this happen? Do I have doormat written across my forehead? I don't understand how I can care and do so much for others and yet people don't put as much into what I'm doing or what I enjoy? Anyway, it's getting off the subject.. So I've made a promise to myself, that I'm signing up for races and come hell or high water I'm going to be there.
I've also made a new running schedule.. I'll be running 3 days a week with training and 3 days a week for weight lifting..

Protein shake
2 oz mix nuts
Protein bar/power crunch
Hard boiled egg
1 1/2 veggie burgers
1/2 c cherry tomatoes/basil/goat cheese/EVOO
Protein shake


Mi warm up run
Arm circles
Arm butterflies w/10 lb
Chest press: 12@45,12@55x2,12@65x2, 12@70,30x w/bar
Crunch w/ 8 lb ball @ 1 min
8 lb ball to shins @ 1 min
Elbow to knee (each side) @1 min
Leg lifts w/ 8 lb ball (each side)@1min
Mountain climbers (knees to opposite elbow) @ 1 min
Upward facing dog
Childs pose
20 push ups

Sunday, August 21, 2011

AM workout/new cross trainers/^info

This mornings workout went reLly well. I changed things up a little and did a "cross training" session. Which btw had me sweating like a stuck pig.. I went a little lite on the workout because we have weight training in the morning. But all in all the workout was great.
Even if I had to train in my running shoes :( that problem was soon fixed. Dave went out and got me some new cross trainers.
As you can see my calorie intake as well as the rest of my intake was higher than normal today. It's not that I went off my "diet" if you will, it's because I drank a fruit smoothie. I WON'T be making that mistake again...

1 mi run
10-min bike warm-up
5 min core/10 min bike intervals
5 min core/10 min bike intervals
5 min core
10-min bike cool down

The abs/core: 1 min each
Lunges w/15 lb wts
Chest press-3x12@45
Bicycle crunches 3x1 min
Russian twists w/8 lb ball
Plank 3x1 min
Stability ball hamstring

The Bike Intervals: 2 min each
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM (light gear)
Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to70 RPM (med gear)
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to 70 RPM
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
Wall sits 2x1 min
Bench press 2x12@45
Push ups 2x20

Green smoothie
Egg white omelet w/ mushrooms, spinach,tomatoes,peppers
2 veggies burgers-plain
2 oz tofu/2 oz tomato/basil/EVOO
8.4 oz SF red bull
1/2 peach
Protein bar
10 apricots

Cals: 1,147
Fat: 39.41
Carbs: 116.33
Pro: 96.07


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Long day/sore neck/meals/new plant based protein

Today has got to be one of the LONGEST days in history. The older kids have gone camping, Dave's lab moved so he had to be at work on a Saturday-which btw TOTALLY SUX'D.. And I woke up with a "kink" in my neck. So I guess that means DOUBLE TIME in the a.m.
I do have to say that my meals and food are getting easier. Today (as you can see below) I "fell off e wagon" so to speak with some crackers.. And yes, I did feel guilty for having them. But they WERE good :). I did go to Trader Joes for a few things to help put a little varity into my diet. I ate not one but TWO veggie burgers tonight (w/out the bun or sauces of course) and they were pretty good.. Plus the protein was great.
Speaking of protein.. I went out today and picked up some vegan protein and will be having my very FIRST SMOOTHIE in the a.m :)

8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)

2oz tuna
2oz tomato
3oz crab
Handful of crackers(31 crackers)
1 plum
Mix salad
2 veggie burgers
4 sprouts
8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)


Was suppose to get a long run in today, but no ones home to watch the little ones :( - so I have to do something today and run tomorrow..
1 mi run
10-min bike warm-up
5 min core/10 min bike intervals
5 min core/10 min bike intervals
5 min core
10-min bike cool down

abs/core: 1 min each--
single-leg squats w/ light weight shoulder press
Bicycle crunches
Russian twists w/8 lb ball
Stability ball hamstring curl on back

The Bike Intervals: 2 min each
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM (light gear)
Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to70 RPM (med gear)
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to 70 RPM
Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
Bench press


Friday, August 19, 2011

Back/biceps,abs/core and dancing

This mornings weight work out was GREAT, even if my legs are still sore from leg day on Wednesday. With Dave's lab moving this weekend and the older kids gone for a camping trip, I wasn't able to get my "normal" pm workout done. So dancing with the kids in the family room was the next best thing.. We had a fun time. We would take turns being the leader of dance moves.. Haha my kids are so much fun to hang out with. They keep me young and moving..

single arm rows:3x12@20
Pull up jumps:2 mins
Single arm bicep curls:3x12@20
Bicep curls against wall(ez bar):3x12@10
(rev) flys incline:3x12@15
Renegade rows:3x12@20

Ab/core work-
Bosu w/ 8lb ball-1min
Shins to wt'd ball (cross overs)-1min(each side)
Cross country-1min
Hanging rev sit-ups(knee to opposite elbow)-1min
Roller wheel stretch-1min
Planks (pointed toe taps)-1min(each side)
Upward facing dog
Childs pose
Cat/dog stretches

40 mins of dancing with the kids

8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Turkey jerky
3oz  cantaloupe
2oz tuna
Salad mix-1/2 Avacado, 1 boiled egg, 2oz chicken, 1 oz blue berries, 1 oz macro sprouts, 1/2 plum
Mix nuts
3 oz tofu
3 oz broccoli
8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total cals-1,125
Total fat-65.76
Total carbs-43
Total protein-114.76

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Farmers market/new swimming pass/^ protein

Today has been ONE OF THOSE DAYS.. But I didn't "stress" eat or go back to eating unhealthy foods.. I'm learning to "control", if you will my eating and emotions.. Only people who have or have had an eating disorder understand the type of the tug of war that plays out in your head on days like today.. Well I'm happy to report, I made it through alive (and very proud of myself).
We went to the farmers market again today, had a great time. Try to stay away from all of unhealthy foods.. Why does it have to smell so good, when I KNOW it isn't good for me?
I also got my new swimming pass for the month.. I'm a really strong swimmer, but it's been FOREVER since I've done laps. I got this, no problem.. Of course I say this now, before I've even gotten in the pool.. :)
So while looking threw my food journal, I've realized I needed to up my protein.. I'm still finding new ways to get it in my diet more. It use to be red meat.. Not anymore.. :( I hope at some point switching from meat eater to vegan will get easier.. I think I've done "fairly" well. I have had red meat and my white meat now comes in 2-3oz very spairingly every couple of days.. I just need other recipes to try.. Will have to look into it.. Also have to look into finding better shorts to lift weights in.. I only have "runners" shorts, which are not good to lift in..
I'm so glad it's chest and triceps tomorrow, I don't think I could do anything with my legs.. Wednesdays leg day about killed me.. I'm never sore
, but today was a different story.. Guess it's working.. I can't wait to start seeing changes in my body (lean muscle wise). I'm already starting to feel the difference inside..

8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Mixed salad,tomatoes,avocado, micro sprouts,vinegar  
Tuna, tomatoes, no carb mayo
Handful crackers
Mixed salad, avocado, micro sprouts, red bell pepper, 1 boiled egg, 3 oz chicken, blue berries, 1/2 plum, tomatoes
Power bar
8 oz protein shake=
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
TOTAL CALS:::1,018
TOATL FAT:::35.31


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 9-legs/abs&core/p.m workout

So today was the 1st day working with free weights. It's different from the "normal" weight lift I've been doing. I guess it's because I've been "toning" instead of building lean mass. I found out today that I can lose up to 20 pounds and drop my BFP ( body fat %). while that sounds great, it also feels like crap to know I have 20 pounds to lose in order to get to what I want.. So I guess I'll have to UP my workouts, eat every 2 hrs and get plenty of rest.. So now that I'm lifting free weights, we'll be changing things up..
Mondays-A.M free weights=back/biceps/abs&core and yoga
Mondays-P.M cardio/abs&core and stretching
Tuesdays-A.M cardio/abs&core and stretching
Tuesdays-P.M plyometrics and yoga
Wednesdays-A.M free weights=legs/abs&core and yoga
Wednesdays-P.M cardio/ab&core and stretching
Thursday-A.M cardio/ab&core and stretching
Thursday-P.M plyometrics and yoga
Friday-A.M free weights chest/tri/abs&core and yoga
Friday-P.M cardio/abs&core and stretching
Saturday-A.M-long runs/abs&core and stretching
Sunday-rest day
This mornings workout was finding out where my starting point is and how we are going to improve on it, and boy is there room for improvement.
A.M workout----
Leg extent-3 reps of 12 @65lbs
Step ups- w/ 8lb ball-3 reps of 1min each
Leg curls-3 reps of 12 @ 35lbs
Bosh up/overs-3 reps @ 1 min each
Squats-3 reps @20 lb 1min each
Burpies-2 reps @ 1 min each
P.M workout----
Speed rope-10 mins
Bench press-3 reps of 10 @55 lbs
Push ups-28
1 mi run
Leg lifts-hanging (reverse sit ups)
Side to side crunches with 8 lbs ball
Ball to shin crunches
Take 'em or leave 'em


8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals    120        
Total Fat    2               
Total Carb 3                       
Protein 23
8oz coffee


6 oz tofu
1 oz bell peppers
Total cals 80
Total fat 4
Total carbs 2
Protein 8

Total cals
Total fat
Total carbs

Dim sum
Total cals 110
Total fat 3.5
Total carbs 14
Protein 4

Total cals 75
Total fat .5
Total carbs 18
Protein 1.2
8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals    120        
Total Fat    2               
Total Carb 3                       
Protein 23

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 8: Vegas trip/new wt set/back on track

I can't beleive its been 8 days already. So much has happened, so many changes and finally getting the "swing" of things. As you can see I havent posted in a few days.
My hubby took me on a mini-vacay before EVERYTHING really got going. But while gone, I did my best (pretty much my best) to stay "tride and "true" to myself and my goals. Being in one of the world BEST party city's-it wasnt easy. I workout out, walked TONS, did ab/core work and tried to eat a healthy as I could. With the exceptions of a few bites here and there (and then would walk it off), I pretty much stayed the course. I didn't even drink that much.. I know you're sitting there saying.... "what? No real drinking? Do you know you were just in Vegas?"- haha I didn't gain any weight either, which in my eyes is pretty damn good.. :)
While I did have a GREAT time and got to relax some-it's nice to be back home and have my babies around. I missed them..
Well I've been saying I'm gong to do it and today I finally did... I went out and bought an Olympic weight lifting set/incline&decline bench with leg extenstion, as well as a curl bar to match.. LET THE MUSCLE HAVE FAIR WARNING-this is going to be a GREAT RIDE!! I was (am) so excited about gaining muscle mass and shedding a few pounds.. It's almost like a runners high..
Because I've been gone for a few days I had to go out and pick up more "raw" food and tomorrow, after everything kind of calms down I hope to be able to steam and weigh every thing and mark it. It makes it so much easier.
I also need to get back on my vitamins/morning protein shake and every 2 hrs of eating. I miss it.. :(
Because of last nights delayed flight and getting home late and going to bed even later (after 2am), all I've done today is clean house, go school supply shopping, grocery shopping and then bought the wt stuff.. I was just to tired to do anything else.. But tomorrows a new day..
While I was gone I bought 2 new "cook" books- both having to do with "raw" foods. Can't wait to try them out..
Up bright and EARLY in the a.m for workout:

#1- weight training/ab&core work/yoga
#2-cardio and ab&core work

It's back to working out 2 times a day. Can't wait :-)



8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals    120        
Total Fat    2               
Total Carb    3                       
Protein    23

8oz coffee

   2 oz mixed nuts
Total Cal. 140
Total Fat. 9
Protein. 4
Carbs. 14

4 oz salad
2 oz grilled fish
Total Cal. 176
Total Fat.  3.5
Protein.  31
Carbs. 0

2 oz tuna
2 oz crackers
Total Cal. 50
Total Fat. .5
Protein. 11
Carbs. 0

Salad(blue berries, plums, tofu, cucumbers, mixed greens, heirloom tomatoes
Total Cals.
Total Fat.

Cheese stick
Total Cals 60
Total Fat. 3
Protein. 8
Carbs. 1


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 5/ a.m workout/dentist/trip/hydrostatic body fat testing

Day 5 has been a day to say the least.. The a.m workout went pretty. My arms feel like jello, but all in all went well. I don't think I put much into my workout due to the fact that my mind was elsewhere--the dentist. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are my weight training/ ab&core days from 6-7am. Then at night I do some sort of cardio for and hour and more ab/core work. Tuesdays and Thursdays are swim days for over an hr, then around noon is my ab/core work and 1 hr of cardio in the p.m. Saturdays are always my long cardIo or run days. So with all that being said just because we are in Vegas doesn't mean any of that will stop. I didnt eat much today due to have some dental work done. Which through my whole schedule off-which totally sux'd. I also don't have any of my vitamins or protein shake stuff :(
I have another dental appt in 2wks to finish up (yay me) :(..
So, in September my hubby and myself will be having the hydrostatic body fat testing done to see where we are at and what we can do to fix it.. Im excited but nervous all at the same time. I try not to get to up set about "taping", weighing or any other kind of number.. Knowing that it IS a STARTING POINT and things can only get better from here.. :)

A.m exercise---

Hr weight lifting

P.m exercise---

Flying Time to Vegas


8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals    120        
Total Fat    2               
Total Carb    3                       
Protein    23

Total Cal.
Total Fat.

4 oz Tom Yum soup w/ shrimp
4 oz veggies/tofu/peanut sauce
Total Cal. 80
Total Fat.  4.5
Protein.  15
Carbs. 7.25

40 oz hibiscus tea
Total Carbs. 132
Total Fat. 0
Protein. 0
Carbs. 33

Total Cal.
Total Fat.

2 oz skirt steak
3 oz Calamari
3 oz greens
Total Cal. 196.4
Total Fat. 7.56
Protein.  30.7
Carbs. 19.5

4 oz mixed nuts
Total Cals: 140            
Total Fat: 9                   
Total Carb: 14      
Protein:  4

3 oz cheese
1 Tbs honey
3 tiny breads

Headed to the Trump gym:


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 4-a.m run/wt loss/farmers market

The end of day 4 and all's well-haha.. I know that this journey isn't going to be easy. Already I've had cravings for my "old ways"-you know the ones... the homemade-hot chocolate chip cookies or buttery popcorn.. But I ignored ALL temptation by finding something else to do.. My house, kids and "lists" are the cleanest, taken care of and checked off-hahaha. Funny how wanting to improve "your" life, improves the lives of others.. :)
So this mornings run went well.. Even though I didn't want to get out of bed-it was a TOUGH night with Niko-but with my hubbys gentle prodding I was up and out the door. Which leads me to another "thought" to pounder... Can anyone tell me why on earth people DONT leash their dogs on running paths??? And then they have the nerve to look at YOU when you stop running due to FEAR of being chased down.. I've been a runner for many years and I can say without a doubt this is number 1 on my list of "pet" peeves if you will.. The other you might ask???? Well... Its when the owner of said dog(s) don't clean up after THEIR pet.. REALLY??? Come on people, these are YOUR pets, not mine.. Keep in mind, I'm NOT a dog hater.. On the contrary, I LOVE dogs-just not the owners who aren't responsible enough to clean up after their dogs or let them roam free on a walking/running trail.. We DO have dog parks ya know.. Ok, enough ranting.. :)

Our bounty from the farmers market..

In 4 days of training 2x's a day AND cutting out the crappy food, weighing the GOOD food (mostly plant based-with very little "meat" protein) I've lost almost 5 pounds. I've been making sure I eat every 2 hrs (TOPS). Only locally organic fresh veggies/fruits. Took the kiddos to the farmers market today and we left with SO much food.. They had a great time and can't wait to go back.. Guess its going to be a weekly thing :)
Tomorrow we pick up our new weight set/bench.. I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!! :)

a.m exercise-
3 mile run
ab/core work

did a lot of walking today (Ikea and farmers market)

p.m exercise-
ab/core work

8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals 120     
Total Fat 2          
Total Carb 3       
Protein 23 

6 oz coffee

Total Cal.
Total Fat.

2.5 oz steamed fish
2.5 oz steamed veggies
8.4 SF Red Bull~
6 oz hot tea w/ spelenda-0
Total Cal.75
Total Fat. 1
Protein. 12
Carbs. 6

2 oz mix nuts
Total Cal. 160
Total Fat. 13
Protein. 5
Carbs. 9

2.22 oz steamed chicken
2.43 oz steamed mix veggies
1.90 oz tomato/EVOO/goat cheese/basil
Total Cal. 65
Total Fat. 1
Protein. 12
Carbs. 2

8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cals. 120     
Total Fat.  2          
Total Carb. 3       
Protein. 23 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 3-pic's, wt training plan, cooking for the wk..

Day 3 first pic's

Today has been ONE OF THOSE DAYS.. My diet has gone EXTREMELY well. I'm feeling more energy.. But today my a.m workout was cut short and my p.m workout was cut in 1/2.. Oh and lets not forget the pictures-yikes.. LOTS of improving.. Tomorrow IS a new day..

a.m workout:::
20 minutes of abs-
hanging crunches
leg lifts w/ 8 lb ball ( each leg 1 @ a time-cross ball)
frog crunches w/ soft ball @ ankles
planks (pointed toe/ea side)
bosu w/ 8 lb ball crunches
sit ups w/ 8 lb ball

p.m workout:::
1/2 hr elliptical @ 25% w/ 4,050 strides

8 oz protein shake=
8oz h2o
handful of ice
1 level scoop of Matrix (chocolate)
Total Cal.-120
Total Fat.-2

8oz coffee

2 hard boiled eggs
Total Cal.-140
Total Fat.-4.5

2 oz steamed chicken strip
2 oz steamed veggies
2 oz tomato/basil/goat cheese/EVOO****(- have to look info up)

Total Cal.-75
Total Fat.-1

Handful of cherub tomatoes

Total Cal.-22.5

2 oz steamed fish
2 oz steamed mix veggies
2 oz tomato/basil/EVOO/goat cheese

Total Cal.-50

1 Tbsp Almond butter (organic)
1 Tbsp Blackstrap molasses (organic)

Total Cal.-140
Total Fat.-8


changing up the weight training/diet

Day 3-weight training/ab&core work in the a.m-cardio/ab&core work in the p.m--

This a.m's training session didn't go as planned, but thats ok theres always tonight. We did however get in some ab/core time. The training session was a discussion on what we can do to to get me to my goals. Boy do have a lot of work cut out for me. But WELL WORTH IT..
I'm no stranger to logging my food, vitamins or workouts- but this is going to take some time getting use to.

Here is a list of vitamins/minerals I'm on (for now, until my body can keep up with everything):

1 scoop of Martix w/ 8 oz of water and hand full of ice
total Omega 3,6,9
Iron pill 65 mg
B12 x2 strips
CLA (for my bad knees)
Liquid multi vitamin
Liquid B complex
Ionic Zinc 50 mg
Liquid Calcium
Liquid Iron

Turmeric ( I know its not a vitamin, but so many healthy benefits)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today was a rest day, sort of.. :)

Well its the end of day 2 and I'm loving it. Today has a been a great day. My energy level has a really picked up. Even though this is only day 2, I have slowly been changing my diet and eating patterns. Which has made a world of difference.

My Diet:::
Morning coffee 4oz
8oz protein shake w/ vitamins:
1oz mixed raw nuts
Isopure drink
2.5 oz steamed fish
3oz tomato/basil/EVOO/goat cheese
4-5oz edamame
1 Tbs almond butter (organic)
1 Tbs molasses (organic)
4 oz steamed chicken
1/2 c steamed veggies
1/2 c tomato/basil/EVOO/goat cheese
2 oz raw mixed nuts

My exercise:::

a.m walk w/ the jogger & Niko (it turned into a slow jog): 3 miles
p.m ab/core workout:
Russian twists w/ 8 pound ball: 2 sets x 20
Planks w/ 8 lb ball: 2 (L) leg up/ 2 (R) leg up
Balance kick frogs (ball between feet)
Leg lifts w/ 8 lb ball (1 leg up at a time- side to side)
Rolling plank w/ wheel

I think I'll start adding info in calories/fat/sugar/carbs and what I've burned with my workouts. Unfortunately I didn't do that :( t tomorrows a new day. Tomorrow is also picture day---hhhmmm don't think I'm going to like that very much.. Oh well have to start somewhere, right?

Balance ball plank

Measurements-Day 2

NECK- 13"
BICEP-(R)-12"(RF)-12.5"/(L)-12.5"(LF)-12.75"  **want to gain (2-3")
FOREARM-(R)-10.25"(RF)-10.5/(L)-10"(LF)-10.5"  **want to gain (1-2")
BREAST/RIB CAGE-(R)-32" **want to lose (2-4")
WAIST-30"  **want to lose (2-3")
THIGH-(R)-20.75"/(L)-20.75" ** want to lose (1-2")
CALF-(R)-15"/(L)-15.25" ** want to lose (1-2")

THE GAINS:::: a max total of 5" (arms)
THE LOSSES:::: a max total of 11"(legs, waist and ribcage)

365 day journey(a leaner me)

I've started this blog to help keep me motivated for the next year. A place to keep my thoughts, dreams, vents and all the other info about my journey to a leaner me. Most people see me as "normal" weight.. But what they don't know, is that I have had to work for every bit of that "normal" weight. I use to be that "fat" girl-yep, believe it.. (I'll post pic's later of this girl I left behind). So in the blogs to follow I will be posting EVERYTHING-(please be advised this is NOT for the faint of heart). Even monthly weigh in's, measurements, daily food journal's as well as my workouts (good and/or bad). I hope you'll follow and watch the changes.. Peace